
Oral Home Care

Dry Mouth Relief

Written by Sang Tran, DDS Feb 3 • 1 minute read

Do you have a dry mouth and why is it important to address?  Dry mouth (less saliva flow) can lead to more cavities since your saliva buffers acid buildup from food, drinks, and cavity causing (acid producing) bacteria.  

The spray below can stimulate more saliva flow when used throughout the day.  Since your saliva is your best buffer against acid buildup, it can result in fewer cavities at your next visit.  The spray is available in mint or grape.  I prefer grape since it stimulates more saliva flow.  Two to three sprays every few hours.  We have it available in our office, or you can purchase direct at

There are other products out there for dry mouth...most involve candies or carrying around a large rinse bottle.  This can be carried in your purse or pant pockets.  Most patients will tend to use something that is available to them when they need it.  


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