Office Design and Tour

Office Design and Tour


When I set out to design our new office in 2013, I wanted to place patient experience front and center.  I understand that dentistry can give many an uneasy feeling.  All design aspects were designed to counteract this.  I hope you feel the same way!  

  • There are no more tubes and wires over the patient chair...makes for a quick getaway when you've had enough dentistry for the day.
  • Most people's favorite room at home or work is one with two or more windows:  glass walls between each room brings this concept to each treatment room.
  • The reception counter has evolved:  in the 70's-80's (sliding frosted glass door hides patients from reception), in the 90's to present (high covered countertops), new at Varsity Dentistry today (high glass counter without barriers to encourage interaction between patients and reception).
  • The design reflects modern, retro, and openness...dentistry's principles are based on solid foundations of the past, modern technologies in dental equipment and materials, and is always open for more innovation.
  • The artwork ties in varsity sports, farm community, dentistry, craftsmanship, and technology.

So let's begin...


The design of the counter encourages interaction between the front office staff and our patients.  The hills in the background reflect the hills in Winters that can be seen from the office. 


In the center is our magical CAD-CAD machine to fabricate crowns in one visit.


 Varsity sports shown in modern minimalistic form.  To the right is our is first and foremost.


 Frosted glass walls allows us to display dentistry as "light and airy."


Lower left white square is our Velscope machine for advanced oral cancer screening.  


Even our local cow uses the open reception counter to interact with our patients.  The tile colors are inspired by retro design and modern white countertop is laid on top...again the concept of modern dentistry built on solid foundations of past dentistry.  The tile pattern is also inspired by one of my favorite movie series, the Matrix...which is all about technology!


This is a special piece to me:  swim lanes represents varsity sports, farm animals represent our farming community and the center of so much research at UC Davis, white dental stone represents how dentistry can fit into our daily lives, changing colored LED lights represents the art side of dentistry, and all of this on top of a wooden board (one of my hobbies is woodworking.).


Christabel, our dental assistant and resident swim coach said that I was missing backstroke flags.  She was right and here they are. 


Bended wires can achieve more than just straight teeth.  The colored lines are made from recycled ethernet cables.  They represent how hi-tech our office has been from the beginning as one of the first offices in Davis to have complete digital records (since 2004).  I painted them different colors to represent the art side of dentistry.



This is a tribute to our large patient population who enjoys climbing and the outdoors.  Of course they remember to bring necessary dental hygiene products on these trips. 


Slideshow of scenes of nature and architecture on the ceiling in each treatment room.  One of my hobbies is photography. When I take photos, I envision how these photos will help relax our patients.  If you'd rather see regular TV, that's also an option.  World Cup Soccer was a popular request during that time and cartoons for the kids.  The lights are projected upwards to reduce eyestrain.  


We are on the first floor of the only two story building in the Green Meadows Office Complex.  There is plenty of shaded parking! 

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Davis, Dentist, Dr. Sang Tran is a multispecialty office dedicated to excellence in cosmetic dentistry, Endodontics, Orthodontics and Periodontics.

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